About Generation Joyful


Values & What We believe…..

  • We believe that outer sparkles enhance your inner glow.

  • We believe that shiny thoughts attract shiny people & experiences.

  • We believe it isn’t about when you are born, but how much fun you have with the time you are given.

  • We believe in making time for fun and the rest will follow.

  • We believe in uplifting, kind-hearted shenanigans.

  • We believe that glitter should make everyone sparkle, including Mother Earth.

  • We believe that each day is a day to celebrate, so you might as well make a playlist and have yourself a party.

  • We believe that a smile is the best makeup. It makes your glitter shine brighter.

  • We believe that life is too short to wear boring clothes.

  • We believe that you are beautiful.

  • Most people draw a line between clothes and costumes. We believe in using that line as a jump rope. 

  • We believe in creating stories worth telling.

  • We believe that individually we are a musical note, and together we are a symphony, so let’s play together.

  • We believe that eye-catching outerwear sparks conversation.

  • We believe that the best is still ahead.

  • We believe in giving yourself permission.

  • We believe that music is a form of magic.

  • We believe that a hug is always the right size.

  • We believe that community is the family you choose.

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Ready for a musical shenanigan adventure?


And we’ll email you back an adventure to enjoy!

Music Shenanigan Adventures

Is music medicine for your soul? Do you wish you could experience more laughter, fun and quality time with people who light you up? “Musical Shenanigans” adventure cards were created just for you!!!

These cards...

  • Cost little or nothing to do .

  • Are usually completed within an hour or two so they fit perfectly into your busy life. 

  • Are an easy way to entice your music-loving friends to get together . All of the activities involve or are inspired by music so everyone is sure to have a great time.

  • Are a great way to connect with your friends on a deeper level. Make memories together. Musical Shenanigan adventures create stories worth telling. 

  • Learn about yourself - begin to map your funprint. Begin to purposefully craft more daily moments of true fun. It’s time to feel alive again!