Clean Your Closet, Change Your Life!!!

Energetic Closet Decluttering

Is your closet so full it’s hard to find things? 

Do your clothes pile up on the floor? 

Do you have things that you don't wear? That don’t fit you? That still have tags on them? That were given to you by others? That you have plans to wear “someday”?

Do you procrastinate doing laundry?

Does folding/sorting/organizing feel like a never ending heavy load on your to-do list?

Do you keep the doors/drawers/curtains closed so you don’t have to look at and feel bad about the mess that you “should” take care of

I am here to help!

Time for a Spring Cleaning that goes way beyond tackling your closet! Think of it as Marie Kondo meets Life Coaching so that you can...…

  • Spend WAY less time doing laundry and have energy left for other things in your life.

  • Save so much money on clothes you buy, only investing in those that will become the favorites you want to wear over and over again.

  • Get an energy boost and positivity bump when you walk by your closet.

For $100 and 2 hours of your time, we will work together on cleaning out your clothes and organizing those you keep, in the process learning how to decide with confidence EXACTLY which ones to choose. This step by step process goes so much deeper (and is way less vague) than just finding the ones that spark joy. You’ll end up with a roomier closet of clothes that you love and make you feel good.

We’ll do this by evaluating clothes one at a time so that each item feels good/ comfortable for who you are now and who you are becoming. Then we will make a plan together on how to store those items. You’ll learn my super easy three part daily organization system that cuts down on laundry time BY HALF (for real) and makes it easy to integrate new laundry habits into everyday life. You won’t ever find yourself needing to do another big decluttering again. 

Feeling overwhelmed by the idea of doing a full closet cleaning? That is a big part of how I can help. You’ll learn EASY tools you can use ANYWHERE (and in every area of your life) to help reduce anxiety, calm your nervous system and start to create new habits by rewiring your brain. 

For a $100 investment, you’ll walk away with so much more than a clean closet. 

Discover how to use clothing as the portal to an energy reboot. Prepare to welcome spring and book your closet cleaning!


$100 is my current fee for 2 hours of my time, teaching, tools, and support