Random Rocks of Kindness in Progress.jpg

Happiness Hide & Seek

Word Confetti Rocks of Kindness are playful invitations to spread positivity and uplift others through a game of TAG - how fun! Each rock includes a handcrafted message of encouragement as well as a custom QR code on the back with directions on how to play.

Want to get in on the fun?

SEEK- inspiration, encouraging words, cheerful quotes and other messages of love, hope and joy. Create rocks of your own to leave for others to find. Read our tutorial to make them yourself, no artistic talent needed. Be sure everyone knows how the game works so don’t forget to grab the QR code that goes on the back.

HIDE- It’s time to spread happiness and leave kindness rocks around your community. Then sit back, relax and track the adventurous journey your rocks make. You’ll also get to see first hand the positive impact your words have on others.

SEEK- join our world-wide community group to see where other rocks in your area have been hidden. Now it’s time to go out on a rock hunt. Found a rock? TAG, you’re it… time to hide it again.

Want the thrill of dropping positivity bombs around your area but don’t have the time or the desire to make your own? We’ve got you covered. You can (soon) purchase a unique set of your own in our store.



How It Works


A favorite pasttime of children all around the world. This game is also known as ittigtiggytipstickchasey. You are probably already familiar with the basic rules. Someone starts the game by being “it” and attempts to get close enough to touch another person (tag them). Once tagged, that person then becomes “it” … and attemps to tag another. So the game continues as long as there are people wanting to play.

Did you know TAG stands for TOUCH and GO?

Happiness Hide & Seek TAG is a community tag game that starts with an invitation to touch the happy places in our hearts and of those around us by making or finding rocks of kindness. Then it’s time to go on an adventure to hide rocks where others will find them, all the while spreading happiness to ourselves and those in our community.

Once you’ve decided to play, you are “it”, either by creating or finding (on purpose or by good fortune) a rock of kindness.

STEP ONE- Get close

With a rock in hand, take a moment to consider that positive messages have the power to make deep connections, bringing us closer to ourselves and other people.

step two- touch

How has this rock’s message touched your heart? How might it touch others? Go to the Facebook group Generation Joyful Rocks of Kindness and leave a connection comment - an emoji, word, phrase, comment or note on how these words touch you.

Found a rock? Search for its thread by adding its message to the end of #genjoyrocks (Example #genjoyrockstimetoshine). You’ll then be able to read all of the touching comments others have left, as well as see where the rock has traveled to. Then add a comment of your own with the location of where you found it and what the words mean to you.

Hiding your own rock? Join the group and create a new post with the title ##genjoyrocks+messageontherock, that also includes a picture. Add a comment about where you found inspiration for the words and what they mean to you.

When you leave a comment about how you connect to the words on your rock, not only are you contributing to the growing community of positivity, you will also automatically get notifications on all of the new comments your rock receives as it continues on its journey.

Step three- go

Take your rock (made or found) and hide it in plain sight for someone else to find. Be sure to add a clue comment on that specific rock’s Facebook post (search #genjoyrocks+messageontherock) that explains where you put it and helps others seek/find it by using the following hashtags: #genjoyrocks+city, #genjoyrocks+state, #genjoyrocks+country. You can also give more clues by including a description of the location, a pin on google maps or GPS coordinates. 

SUGGESTIONS: Where should the rock go next? Choose a location where others are sure to find it (especially people who could use a boost of happiness and fun). Try putting it outside of a hospital or nursing home, along trails, sidewalks and paths or even mailing it anonymously to a friend. 

You’re It

Encourage your friends to play by tagging them in your comments. Challenge them to find your rock before a random passerby. You can even just copy/paste and send them this message - just remember to include your rock’s unique hashtag:

Want to play happiness and hide and seek tag? It's a game where random rocks of kindness are left around and tag you when they are found. I've put a rock (with a positive message meant for you) in a spot not far away. Find it first and then YOU’RE IT. For clues on where it’s hidden, search on Facebook for (put your rock's unique hashtag here). Hurry though, you’ll need to find it before someone else discovers it first!

Want to find other rocks in your area? Simply go to Facebook and search for #genjoyrocks+city, #genjoyrocks+state or even #genjoyrocks+country