Happiness HIde and Seek (1).jpg

How it works


TAG (Touch. And Go.) Now you're it!

Yay, you’ve found a rock! First head to Facebook and search for your rock's unique thread by adding its words to the end of #genjoyrocks (Example #genjoyrockssayyestomagic). Just type it anywhere in the search bar.

TOUCH - Leave an emoji, word, phrase, comment or note on how these words touch you.

GO - Pick up the rock and hide it (in plain sight) in a different location for someone else to find. Leave a comment in your rock’s thread with clues to its new home (plus then you'll get notifications whenever someone else finds/comments on this rock). To make your rock searchable (so others can play), be sure to include the following in your comments: #genjoyrocks+city, #genjoyrocks+state, #genjoyrocks+country

Sit back, relax and enjoy the journey your rock makes as it spreads it message of positivity througout the global community.


Where should your rock go next? Choose a location where others are sure to find it (especially people who could use a boost of happiness and fun). Try putting it outside of a hospital or nursing home, along trails, sidewalks and paths or even mailing it anonymously to a friend. 

Inviting others to find my rock? When giving clues to your rock's location, try posting a picture, a description of the location, a pin on google maps or GPS coordinates. 

Encourage your friends to get in on the fun by tagging them in your comments. You can even send them this message (just remember to include your rock’s unique hashtag):

Want to play happiness and hide and seek tag? It's a game where random rocks of kindness are left around and tag you when they are found. I've put a rock (with a positive message meant for you) in a spot not far away. Find it first and then YOU’RE IT. For clues on where it’s hidden, search on Facebook for (put your rock's unique hashtag here). Hurry though, you’ll need to find it before someone else discovers it first!